Fleabag Culture wars 

Fleabag lays bare the demons of feminism

After Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s TV series Fleabag landed no fewer than four Emmy awards this week, its writer and star said how much it meant to her that a “dirty, pervy, angry, messed-up woman can make it to the Emmys”. Indeed, the genius of the show is that it taps into widespread insecurities about worthlessness and failing to make it in a world seemingly populated by the glittering and the successful. It’s an attitude with which many millennial women in particular are said to identify, expressed through resentment at the manifold…

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Boris Britain 

Making the world perfect always ends badly

A few days ago, two women appeared on TV to announce that they had decided never to have any children because they were terrified that the planet was being laid waste by climate change. The natural world was being wiped out, they said. So how could they possibly give birth to children who would have no future? Some 90 women have now joined this “birth strike” campaign. Leave to one side whether these poor women have been terrified out of their wits by a theory that is without foundation. Reacting…

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